The Japan Times
Saturday, June 11, 2005
News photo
Nob Hagiwara, who built award-winning projects while with an architectural firm, has founded Hagiwara Design Consultants, which holistically creates art spaces for clients and selects the right pieces for them.

Born in Nishinomiya, and a graduate in architecture from Osaka University, Nob moved to Tokyo in 1966 to take a job with Tohata Architects & Engineers, Inc.
In 1989 he was responsible for an award-winning sports center in Musashino City, and three years later the Big Arch stadium in Hiroshima.

Nob founded Hagiwara Design Consultants in 2000. Working with specialists, Nob takes a holonic approach to each and every project, "meaning I expand on ideas by alternating between the perspective of the entire undertaking and the individual elements involved." This can apply to projects as varied as furniture design and his own artworks.

The family went to England in 2003 for a year and a half. As an architect, Nob was surprised by how many regulations applied to what you could or could not do to your own property in Britain. "Having bought a house there, I wanted to add a conservatory, and make some changes inside. Easier said than done. Even the color of the bricks I wanted was not allowed; I had to use bricks that fit in with the rest of the street."

He was impressed by the fact that billboards were forbidden, and with no electric cables in view, there was a clear unhampered view of greenery and sky. "Oh, that green, I miss it." Only traffic roundabouts came in for criticism. "They tend to all look the same. So much more could be done with landscaping, planting."

Since returning from the U.K. , Nob has set himself up as an "artistic space consultant." Another new concept in Japan, this means he designs building lobbies so that they perfectly complement art pieces. "I don't sell art, rather I create spaces for art that I select in line with the client's requirements."

Japan is far behind Europe and America in choosing art to enhance public and corporate spaces. "In the U.K., on a domestic level you get an architect to design a house and then a decorator to do the inside. Here the cost of a house and its interior is all in. As to big buildings, there again you hire an art consultant to choose suitable artworks. In Japan, art gets bought willy-nilly, with no consideration of its relationship to the space or style of architecture."

" I'll be working holonically with others -- other artists, architects and executives -- rather than drawing the best out of myself in isolation." .......................................... The Japan Times

Hagiwara Design Consultants, Villa Holonica, 3-46-17-301, Okikubo, Suginami-ku, Tokyo 167-0051. Mobile: (090) 4812-7660; fax: (03) 3392-5199; e-mail:; home page:

  Artistic space consultant
   unites walls and works

  作品と空間を結びつけるアート・コンサルタント By ANGELA JEFFS



2003年から一年半、家族でイギリスの田園都市生活を経験した。建築家としてイギリスに住んでみて、個人の建物でもデザインの可能性に制約が非常に多いことに驚いたそうだ。「自分でも家を購入して増築やリフォームをやってみたいと考えたのですが、実行に移す段になって大変面倒な決まりが多いことで苦労しました。レンガの色一つでさえ好き勝手に選ぶことが出来ないのです。その地域では、街路毎に決められた色や材質があって、外壁にはそれを守るよう義務づけられていたのです」 彼は住宅街に看板が無く、電柱や電線も見えないため、木々の緑や空が格別に美しく見えるのが印象的だったと云う。しかしニュータウン内の交差点にあるラウンドアバウトだけはいただけないと指摘した。「どの街角も同じ風景に見えるんですよ。自分の位置確認のためにランドマークが必要だと思いました」



JAPANTIMESJune11’05 原文から抜粋: (注 holon=holos+on=全体+部分)

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